Advisory Board Member / Editor / Fellow/ Member / Reviewer |
Editorial Advisory Board Member:‘Cambridge Scholars Publishing’, Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom (Oct 2019 – ) Link: |
EDITOR:1. ‘WORLD JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION’, Science and Education Pub., US Link: (Dec 2013 – ) |
2. Open Journal of Educational Research, US Link: (Sept 2021 – ) |
Fellowship & Membership of Professional Bodies: Fellowship/Membership of Different Professional Bodies: 1. Nominated Member, Chemical Education Division, American Chemical Society (ACS), NY, US (2013-) 2. Invited Member, London Journals Press, London, UK (Nov 2022-) 3. Fellow, Directorate of Chemical Science, IASR, USA (2018-) 4. Senior Fellow of Indian Chemical Society, Kolkata, India (2011-) 5. Life Member, Indian Science Congress, Kolkata, India (2011-) 6. Life Member, Indian Academic of Forensic Science, Kolkata, India (2010-) 7. Life Member, ‘Tripura Chemical Society’, Tripura, India. |
Reviewer: 1. ‘INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS‘ , ELSEVIER JOURNAL, USA, ISSN 1387-7003, (2010-). 2. ‘JOURNAL OF CO – ORDINATION CHEMISTRY’ – TAYLOR & FRANCIS Publication, U.K., Print ISSN: 0095-8972 and Online ISSN: 1029-0389 (2010-). 3. ‘Journal of Indian Chemical Society’– A.P.C., Road, Kolkata, India, (2013-). 4. ‘QScience Connect’, Qatar, Asia (2013-) 5. ‘INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY – SEC A’, CSIR-NISCAIR, New Delhi, India (2020-) 6. SAGE, Publication, (2022-). |